Brings ELISA’s
high throughput to BLOT testing
Microblot–Array (MBA) is a new generation of unique, immunoblot array in a microtiter plate format. It is designed for efficient multiplex diagnostics, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple markers which can save time and lower costs.
The technology eliminates the limited capacity of traditional BLOT strips and opens the opportunity for high throughput testing.
Processing can be performed automatically using open ELISA analysers. The evaluation is performed by the Microblot–Array Reader and software (SW). Results can be exported in various formats and the system can be connected to LIS.
Key benefits
It’s a breakthrough!
What makes Microblot–Array so special?
Multiplex testing
up to 44 antigens
in a single well -
Wide portfolio
attractive, ever–expanding
range of parameters -
ELISA processors–compatible
processing tests with
your existing ELISA analysers -
both high–throughput
and individual testing thanks
to brekable wells -
Quantitative results
accurate and scalable
thanks to integrated calibrators -
Easy–to–use software
comprehensive solution
for test evaluation and reporting
How it works?
Microblot–Array method at a glance.
The Microblot–Array uses the same principle as immunoblot but in a microplate format rather than a strip.
During the test, specific antibodies in the sample bind with antigens in a well. Next, the wells are incubated with a conjugate and bound antibodies react with the alkaline phosphatase labeled antibody. Visualisation of this reaction is achieved thanks to incubation with substrate solution. Distilled water is then added to stop the reaction. The Reader measures the colour change of the spots and the results are evaluated by interactive software.
The well contains control spots to both check for the presence of the appropriate conjugate and to confirm the reaction has been performed correctly. Calibration spots are used to generate a calibration curve, which allows quantification of the specific antibodies in the sample.

Mgr. Lenka Pokorná, Ph.D. Development & Product Manager for MBA | Testline Clinical Diagnostics
Method & principle
So much to discover – in a single well.
All in one. Perfected!
Tripled spots in MBA well left
no room for mistake.
Breakable wells for flexible testing.
Every spot in triplicate:
Reference spots – used to orientate the SW during evaluation
Test control – checks the functionality of the test
Conjugate control – verifies presence of conjugate
4 calibration spots – creates a calibration curve for quantitative evaluation
Diagnostic spots – unique, highly specific antigens
Microblot–Array kit
Recombinant antigens are spotted in triplicate on a nitrocellulose membrane and fixed at the bottom of each well.
The microplate consists of 96 breakable wells, with each well representing one test. On the outside of the bottom of each well is a barcode for automatic identification by the reader.
Color–coded wells to distinguish between antibody classes:
IgG – blueIgA – greenIgM – red

Ing. Zuzana Gavačová Product Specialist for MBA | Testline Clinical Diagnostics
Diagnostic parameters
Wide portfolio.
In the name of versatility.
Systemic autoimmune diseases
Discover more
* Check availability in your country with our team.
Liver–Kidney diseases
Discover more
Microblot–Array Liver–Kidney profile in development
Autoimmune neurological diseases
Discover more
Microblot–Array Paraneoplastic syndrome in development
Microblot–Array Limbic encephalitis in development
Endocrine antibodies
Discover more
Microblot–Array Thyroid disese in development
Microblot–Array Diabetes Mellitus Type I in development
Microblot–Array Endocrine antibodies (Thyroid disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type I) in development
Autoimmune gastrointestinal diseases
Discover more
Autoimmune gastroenteritis panel in development
Discover more
Microblot-Array ANCA in development
Gastrointestinal diseases
Discover more
Microblot–Array Gastro panel (Helicobacter pylori, Yersinia enterocolitica, AIG) in development
Microblot–Array Helicobacter IgA
- Sexually transmitted diseases Discover more
Respiratory infections
Discover more
Microblot–Array Atypical respiration panel (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Bordetella, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila) in development
Microblot–Array Bordetella IgA
Microblot–Array Bordetella IgG
Microblot–Array Bordetella IgM
Microblot–Array Mycoplasma IgA
Tick borne transmitted diseases
Discover more
Microblot–Array Tick–borne transmitted diseases (Borrelia, Rickettsia, Babesia, Anaplasma phagocytohilum, Neoehrlichia, TBEV, Borrelia Mayonii, Francisella tularensis, Q–fever, Bartonella) in development
- Herpetic infections Discover more
- TORCH Discover more
Tropical diseases
Discover more
Microblot–Array Tropical diseases (Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, West Nile Fever, Plasmodium, Rickettsia, Leptospira) in development

Ing. Michal Šteffl Head of International Sales | Testline Clinical Diagnostics
All you need, you already have.
Give your ELISA tools a whole new purpose.
That’s it! Time to read the data.
02ReadingMicroblot–Array Reader Insert the plate.
If you want a coffee, you better be quick!
Whole plate will be scanned within few minutes! -
Click, click,… done!
03Evaluation & Reporting
Software solution that cannot be easier.Microblot–Array SoftwareClose- Highly interactive SW with comprehensive reporting
- Quantitative evaluation (U/ml) based on the combination of positive antigen spots
- Automatic test identification
- Intuitive and user–friendly guidance through the results evaluation
- Complex image analysis
- Optional manual control of spot orientation
- Detailed results comparison between single wells and spots
- Evaluation of the tests’ validity through control spots
- Results can be exported in various formats
- LIS connectivity

RNDr. Marta Seifertová, Ph.D. Application specialist for MBA | Testline Clinical Diagnostics

Contact your MBA specialist
Ing. Zuzana GavačováProduct Specialist for MBA
Testline Clinical Diagnostics