Perfectly precise tests for
confirmatory analysis.
Immunoblot kits enable the simultaneous detection of multiple markers in serum, plasma, cerebrospinal, and synovial fluid. They are an important tool for the differential diagnosis of diseases with similar symptoms. They also can be used for the confirmation of borderline or positive ELISA.
Processing can be done automatically or manually. More precise evaluation can be achieved with easy-to-use software which can be downloaded for free on our website.
An innovative antigen composition and in-house production ensure the tests are of the upmost quality with a high sensitivity and specificity.

Key benefits
Innovative antigens, RTU components.
Your laboratory deserves the very best!
highly specific recombinant
antigens for differential
diagnostics -
ready-to-use components,
quick, easy, and uniform assay
procedure -
Complex analysis
high number of antigens for the
detection of infectious and
autoimmune diseases -
Easy-to-use software
fast, standardised results,
elimination of subjective errors -
automated processing with
open immunoblot processors -
robust and reliable test with
high reproducibility of results
Method and principle
The principle at a glance.
Highly specific recombinant antigens are bound to a nitrocellulose membrane fixed to a plastic pad. In the first reaction step, as the individual strips are incubated with the tested sample, the specific antibodies bind to the corresponding bands on the strip. After washing, the strips are incubated with a conjugate. Visualisation is performed by incubation with a substrate solution. After colour development, the test strips are dried out and evaluated using the enclosed protocol.
Control line – Validity of the test
IgA, IgG, IgM – conjugate
control of respective antibody
Start – For evaluation purposes
For test validity verification, the strips are equipped with a conjugate control band to check the presence of the appropriate conjugate and with a control band indicating kit functionality and sensitivity.
Immunoblot Kits
There are two major types of the kit. BLOT-LINE and BlueBLOT-LINE.
-Manual and automatic processing
Ready to use reagents:
Positive control – solution containing specific antibodies
Negative control – solution containing no specific antibodies
Conjugate – solution containing ALP labelled animal immunoglobulin
Substrate solution – buffer with BCIP and NBT
Universal solution – buffer for sample dilution and strip washing
The BLOT-LINE kit contains 20 test strips. The strips are color–coded to distinguish between antibody classes:
IgG – blueIgA – greenIgM – red
Mobile template for visual evaluation
Tool to assist evaluating bands without the software.
The position of specific antigen bands are highlighted on the left side of the template. There is also example strip with bands displaying borderline intensity, which is on the right side of the template.
Protocol with displayed template strip For software evaluation, a protocol with self-adhesive green fields marked with a QR code is used to identify the method. Immunoblot Software is available for free on our website, contact us for more information.

BlueBLOT-LINE kits
- automatic processing exclusively on the device
BlueBLOT-LINE kits are intended to be performed on the BlueDiver Instrument (BDI) or its variants. These kits are the solution for automatic, simple, fast, and accurate analysis andevaluation. Kits contain only two parts, strips and ready-to-use reagent cartridges.
Strips There are 24 strips in one kit. The reactive (front) side of the strips is coated with antigens. The front side also displays a strip number and barcode for traceability of the strip after removal from the BDI. The non-reactive (back) side of the strip displays bar-coded information for identification of the strip type and lot number by the BDI.
Reagent cartridges The cartridge is composed of 7 different wells filled with ready-to-use reagents. The cartridges are sealed, and the reagent wells are hermetically separated. The back side is labelled with barcoded information for identification of cartridge type and lot number by BDI.
Diagnostic parameters
Technology for infectious and
autoimmune disease diagnostics.
- Gastrointestinal infections Discover more
Respiratory infections
Discover more
BLOT-LINE Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA
BLOT-LINE Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG
BLOT-LINE Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM
- Tick borne transmitted diseases Discover more
- Herpetic infections Discover more
- Sexually transmitted diseases Discover more
- Parasitology Discover more
- Systemic autoimmune diseases Discover more
- Vasculitis Discover more
Workflow Let the instrument do the work for you.
BLOT-LINE Strips can be processed manually or automatically using any open immunoblot analyser.
BlueBLOT-LINE Thanks to the innovative patented process, the kits are a complex solution for extremely fast analysis with the possibility of combining different types of examination in one run and minimizing the risk of contamination.
Scan to standardized results
02ScanningBLOT-LINE After processing, adhere the strips on the evaluation protocol (when using SW evaluation). A scanner can be used for scanning the protocol.
BlueBLOT-LINE Remove the clamp from the BDI and insert the processed strip into the dedicated BlueScan scanner.
With TestLine software,
03Evaluation & Reporting
evaluation has never been easier.Using software for your evaluation is an easy and fast way to get standardised results. TestLine’s software solution significantly reduces workload and eliminates subjective errors. Results can be exported in various formats and the software is LIS compatible.

Contact your Immunoblot specialist
Ing. Zuzana GavačováProduct Specialist for Immunoblot
Testline Clinical Diagnostics